As the new year approaches, it’s an excellent time for parents to take a fresh look at their parenting plans. Whether you’ve been co-parenting for years or have recently finalized your divorce, making sure your parenting plan aligns with your current circumstances is crucial for your child’s needs.
A parenting plan is a legal document that outlines how parents will share responsibilities for their child or children. It can cover everything from visitation schedules to decision-making responsibilities regarding education, healthcare, and extracurricular activities.Â
Over time, circumstances change. Children grow older, schedules shift, and new needs arise. Updating your parenting plan in the New Year can help ensure that your child’s best interests remain the top priority
Why Update Your Parenting Plan?
There are several reasons why updating your parenting plan at the start of the year is a good idea:
Unforeseen Changes in Your Child’s Needs: As children grow, their needs evolve. A toddler’s schedule and a teenager’s schedule are drastically different. They may have changes that neither parent anticipated. A parenting plan should be created to last until a child turns 18, but life may present unexpected challenges.
Changes in Work Schedules: The beginning of a new year might bring changes to your work schedule or your co-parent’s. If your job hours change, or if one of you is traveling more often, it’s important to revise the plan to ensure that parenting duties are clear and that your child is provided a consistent, predictable schedule.
Holiday and Vacation Time: Many parents find it helpful to revisit their parenting plans regarding the holidays. What worked last year may not work this year. You might want to alternate holidays, change vacation schedules, or allow for more flexibility in sharing time with your child. Updating this section of the plan can avoid confusion and stress during the holiday season.
Improving Communication: A parenting plan also addresses how parents communicate with each other. If there have been misunderstandings or conflicts in the past year, you may want to revise the communication guidelines to ensure that you and your co-parent can effectively share information about your child’s needs and progress.
Steps for Updating Your Parenting Plan in the New Year
Review the Current Plan: Start by reviewing the existing parenting plan. Identify areas that are no longer working or sections that need modification. Are there any conflicts or areas of confusion? Is the visitation schedule still suitable? Consider any major life changes that have occurred in the past year that may warrant updates.
Potentially Discuss Changes with Your Co-Parent: When it is safe to do so, the goal is to come to a mutual agreement that works for both of you while prioritizing the needs of your child. If necessary, consider involving a mediator to help facilitate these discussions.Â
Make Necessary Adjustments: Once you’ve discussed the changes, make adjustments to the plan. This could include altering visitation schedules, changing how decisions are made, adding new provisions for communication, or adjusting holiday or vacation time. Ensure that your revised plan is clear and specific to avoid misunderstandings in the future. If a formal modification is agreed upon then necessary court documents must be submitted to the court.
Consider Your Child’s Input: If your child is old enough to express their thoughts, consider making an agreement with the other parent on a plan that considers a mature child’s input. While children may not have the final say, their input can be valuable in making the plan if it is sought without pressure and in an age appropriate way.
Legalize the Changes: Once you and your co-parent have agreed on the changes, formalize the updated parenting plan. It’s important to file the revised plan with the court to make it legally binding. This will ensure that any future disagreements are resolved according to the new terms.
Update Related Documents: In addition to the parenting plan, consider updating other documents that may be related to your child’s care, such as medical releases, educational records, and emergency contacts. This ensures that all aspects of your child’s well-being are covered under the updated plan.
Talk with An Attorney to Update Your Parenting PlanÂ
The new year offers a perfect opportunity to revisit your parenting plan and ensure that it reflects your child’s current needs, your work schedule, and any other life changes that have occurred. By taking the time to update your plan, you can create a more stable environment for your child.
If you need assistance in updating your parenting plan, contact us at 206-703-0764 or reach out online to schedule a consultation. We can help guide you through the process and ensure that your revised plan works for both you and your child.